Wednesday, February 24, 2010


So I'm supposed to create a capstone that is representative of all of the knowledge that I have gained in my college career. Sound like a loaded assignment? I thought so too. At this point I am still confused at how exactly I am going to combine the core requirements with my writing ambitions, but so far I have the following plans:

-To complete a full manuscript of poetry, and possibly a series of creative nonfiction essays. I am taking advanced poetry with Jim Ellefson right now. We are creating chapbooks, which is a half length manuscript. Next year I hope to continue working with Jim, as well another mentor Jim Mcginnes, to create a publishable full length book. Over the last couple of years I have realized that poetry is the form that comes most naturally to me, and the genre in which I have shown the most promising talent. I hope to continue my studies of Poetry in an MFA program after graduating from Champlain.

-To start up a creative writing/art and doodling after school program at a low income elementary school in town. I have been working at Lawrence Barnes Elementary school in Burlington through the America Reads program. I have very much enjoyed the time that I have spent there. Children have such a creative nature about them, and I think that writing would be a great outlet for some of that energy. I want to focus on low income school because those seem to be the schools that are in the most danger of being forced to cut creative programs.


  1. Either of these sound good to me--in fact, I don't see why you can't do both, and both would reinforce each other. Excellent plan, I'd say.

  2. It doesn't sound to me like you want to do a creative non-fiction "essay" but rather poetry. The entire paragraph was about poetry, and not another word about the fiction so I think it's pretty clear that you should work on your poetry.
